This is the first in an occasional series in which we share some insights from our diverse group of North Carolina partners and board members.
NC Forever Partner: Farm Bureau Federation
Board member: Mitch Peele
Location(s): Raleigh
Number of employees/volunteers: 45
What is the main mission of your company/organization?
North Carolina Farm Bureau Federation was formed in 1936 as a non-profit general farm organization to serve farmers and provide a unified voice for the interests and needs of the farming community. Today, North Carolina Farm Bureau serves as an advocate for our members at the local, state, national, and international levels – providing educational, economic, public affairs, marketing, and various other services to our members.
How does that mission help contribute to the conservation of North Carolina’s lands and waters?
Farmers are conservationists at heart and depend on the land to make their living and sustain their family and future generation. Farmers are leading the way in the adoption of conservation practices that protect and preserve land and water resources.
How do those values align with the mission of NC Forever?
How does your organization benefit from partnering with NC Forever?
We have engaged in regular conversations and partnerships with other organizations that we come to know through NC Forever. These partnerships have enabled us to identify opportunities to work together for our members and all of North Carolina.
How does NC Forever benefit from having your organization participate?
As the state’s largest farm organization and the recognized “voice of agriculture”, we bring agriculture into the conversation when land and water resource protection issues are discussed.
What are some specific projects in which your organization is particularly proud ?
Our advocacy for agriculture cost share programs and farmland preservation.
Can you cite specific examples of how conservation efforts supported by the State have made a positive impact on your organization or those you serve?
State funding for the Agriculture Cost Share program, that assists farmers in adopting water quality conservation practices, has prevented over 11 million pounds of nitrogen and phosphorus from entering our waterways and have protected over 1,000 miles of stream from erosion, sedimentation, and nutrient pollution.