NC Forever is a unique coalition of businesses and nonprofit organizations that share a commitment to the conservation of our state’s land and water resources.



There are many ways you can support NC Forever and its mission. You can help further NC Forever’s cause by donating to the organization or by simply contacting your legislator to express your concerns about the state’s natural resources.



NC Forever is committed to the preservation of our state’s beautiful resources. We are enthusiastic and hopeful about our charge and confident that the future of our mission will be accomplished through our consensus-based approached.



NC Forever is a unique coalition of businesses and environmental organizations that share a commitment to the conservation of North Carolina’s lands and waters. Through direct lobbying efforts, we communicate the importance of protecting our natural resources.

Full video of 2024 Lands and Waters Conservation Budget Briefing now available

On April 9th NC Forever presented its second annual Lands and Waters Conservation Budget Briefing to a partners, conservation stakeholders, and others at the offices of Brooks Pierce in Raleigh. The briefing highlighted the work NC Forever has done, is doing, and plans to do on behalf on NC’s lands and waters and gave insight…

NC Forever to hold in-person/virtual budget briefing April 9

Please join us for the NC Forever 2024 Land and Water Conservation Budget Briefing on April 9th from 3-5pm in person at Brooks Pierce’s Raleigh Office or virtually through Zoom. The briefing will highlight the work NC Forever has done, is doing, and plans to do on behalf on NC’s lands and waters and will give…

North Carolina Forever releases new RTI study on importance of land and water conservation and conservation funding in NC

(Raleigh, NC) North Carolina Forever, a consensus-based non-profit organization whose mission is to advocate for state funds and related policies needed to conserve and protect North Carolina’s lands and waters, has released an updated “Land and Water Conservation Highlights” report.  Building on a report issued in 2018, this 2023 update highlights the importance and urgency…